Fail, double time

So I’ve been scratching my brain as to how I should begin this post.  I guess I’ll start here:

January 10th. It is a Monday and a special day because it is the first day of spring classes.  My class schedule was nothing big.  Class at 10, 11, and then 1.  NBD, right? Well so I thought.

I began the day just like I would any day. Wake up, immediately shower half asleep, make coffee, dry hair, get dressed, maybe or maybe not put on make-up (however, tinted moisturizer is always a must in my life). Anyways, out the door I went, 15 to 10.

So the good news. I successfully made it to class on time.  First class was easy breezy.  My professor incorporated an “ice breaker” and we all went around the room to one another asking a thought provoking question.  Like I said, it was a success.

11 am came along. I met up with some friends from last semester and snagged a seat by them.  About half way through, I seriously YELPED out in class (at this time the teacher was passing out papers and was distracted, thank goodness). My YELPING caused everyone around me to look, of course.

Now you are probably wondering why I had this sudden burst of emotion during a class when it is pretty much dead silent.



Ugh, so let me go through this again.  I walked out of my house without noticing my shoes. I went to my first class, which was when I firsted noticed some hotties looking my way (woohoo!), I mingled with classmates as we all were walking around the room asking each other questions. I of course did this with two different boots on.  I walked on the quad for the second time of the day to my next class.  Again, hotties (And probably the females were looking too, I of course just didn’t notice them) were looking my way (double win)… anyways. You get what im saying. NO ONE SAID ANYTHING TO ME!!!

Dramatic moment, yes of course.  Embarressing moment, well kinda.  Ruin my day moment, no way.  I laughed so hard and proceeded to show everyone around me (what else was I to do?!).  If that wasn’t a great way to start the semester I really don’t know what is.

Anyways, enough with that. NEXT FAIL MOMENT:

When a certain situation happened today, I could not help but hit myself in the head. WHEN WILL I LEARN?!

I wore my slippers to borders today on accident. Now of course it isn’t as big of a deal as the two pairs of different boots incident (one was a grey dirty, salt ridden boot and the other was a brand new pair of black boots. Both tall) but I honestly could not believe that I had another shoe malfunction.

Pass for a pair of flats?! Oh, I hope so.

Lesson learned to look down at my shoes?!? I sure hope so. Three shoe malfunctions in less than a month in a half is, surprisingly, not on my to-do list.


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